Corrib Beo, working with 10 Corrib Communities, hosted a bilingual exhibition in Galway City Museum in 2023. The exhibition “Corrib Shores: These are our People” showcased the stories of eleven noteworthy men and women from around the Corrib who contributed a footprint of interest in society during their lives, creating a spark that mattered, be it locally, nationally or internationally.
The display panels created by the Communities for the exhibition are reproduced below.
Corrib Beo acknowledges all the effort of the Communities and the support of Galway City Museum, the Heritage office at Galway County Council, LAWPRO and the local Gaeltacht language coordinators.
Corrib Beo Introduction to Exhibition
Comharchumann Dhúiche Sheoigeach (CDS Corr na Móna)
Donaghpatrick Kilcoona Heritage Society
Moycullen Heritage Olympians*
Mathias Hynes
Fiona Murtagh
John Joyce
St Fursa’s Historical Society, Headford
* Note Moycullen Heritage provided additonal posters to the exhibition to honor local Olympians